Research & Development
The experience accumulated over the years through the many research and production projects and the validation in full scale of the predictions form the basis for our applied research.
The Ph Doctorate reached from some members of Navaldesign has been fundamental to investigate in deep arguments as dynamic stability of high speed crafts, design and characteristics of composite materials and power/speed predictions.
Our firm has cooperated with Italian and foreign research Institute, CETMA, A-Technology, AES, and University supplying its practical and theorical experience in naval fiels. We also collaborated with ICARUS International, Freedom Power, University of Reggio Calabria and University of Bari (floating wind turbine anchored to the sea bottom).
The low environmental impact, through low-resistance hull and innovative propulsion systems, have been the last issues.
Use of recyclable plastic materials and alternative power supply are the next planned research.

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HSMV 2002
Rolling Dynamic in Planing and SemiPlaning Range Influence of Deadrise Angle on Rolling Dynamic